Monday, 21 June 2021


Homenagem a Jorge Álvares


It’s about to end the year in which five centuries ago the first Portuguese navigator arrived to the south China coast, so a group of Macau residents, friends from China and Portugal, considers to be their duty to organize a public event that will celebrate this historical event that marks the beginning of the century’s long relationship between Chinese and Portuguese.




It was in 1513, exactly 500 years ago, that Jorge Álvares, Portuguese navigator, arrived at the Pearls River delta. According to the chronicles written at that time, Jorge Älvares was very well received by the local people, creating the conditions for further contacts that led to the Portuguese establishment in Macau.

1513 年,葡萄牙航海家區華利來到珠三角。根據當時的文獻記載,區華利受到當地居民熱情款待,因此創造條件令葡萄牙與澳門建立更多接觸。


This first encounter between people of two nations from opposing sides of the vast Eurasia continent started the cultural interchange between China and Portugal and strongly marked the history of both countries, being the origin of this unique place, which is the Macau Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.



To celebrate the 500th anniversary of this important historical event, we invite all Macau residents, friends of China and Portugal, to attend the ceremony that will take place on Saturday, 14th December, at 4pm, near Jorge Álvares statue, located in the small square in front of the old Macau’s Judicial Court Building.

今年剛好踏入500周年,在這個重要的歷史時刻,我們邀請所有澳門居民‘ 來自中國及葡萄牙的朋友來到位於前法院大樓前的小廣場内的區華利石像參與紀念活動,活動開始日期及時間為十二月十四日下午四時。


Homenagem a Jorge Alvares (1513-2013)



Homenagem a Jorge Álvares (1513-2013), junto ao respectivo monumento, em Macau.

(Iniciativa de Paulo Godinho, alocução de Jorge Morbey, versão chinesa de António Viegas Costa)                                                                                                                                    


D. Manuel I (r. 1495-1521) 葡萄牙國王曼努埃爾一世        

明武宗Wuzong (r. 1505-1521) 大明朝第十代皇帝



Primórdios das relações entre a China e Portugal




中國與葡萄牙建立往來已經有伍佰周年的歷史!但是,在葡萄牙歷史上,第一次提到中國是什麽時候?應該在1508212日,葡萄牙國王要求航海家Diogo Lopes de Sequeira 去亞洲發現馬六甲時,交給他的路程遵守規章制度文件内首次提及中國!

O primeiro  documento real português  em que se refere a China é o Regimento de Diogo Lopes de Sequeira, enviado à descoberta de Malaca, dado pelo Rei D. Manuel I de Portugal, em 12 de Fervereiro de 1508:

Perguntarees pollos çhins, e de que parte veem, e de cam lonje, e de quamto em quamto vem a Mallaca ou aos lugares em que trautam, e as mercadajas que trazem, e quamtas d´elles vem cada anno, e pellas feyções de suas naaos, e se tornaram no anno em que veem, e se teem feitores ou casas em Mallaca ou em outra allguua terra, e se sam mercadores riquos, e se ssam homeens fracos se guerreiros, e se teem armas ou artelhas rjas, e que vestidos trazem, e sse ssam gramdes homees de corpos, e toda a outra enformacam d´elles, e sse ssam cristãos se gentios, ou sse he grande terra a sua, e sse teem mais de hum rey entre elles, e sse vyveem entre elles mouros ou outra algua gente que nam vyva na sua lley ou crença, e, sse nam ssam cirstãos, em que creem ou a quem adoram, e que costumes guardam e para que parte se estemde sua terra, e com que confynam.[1]


The first Portuguese royal document referring China is the Standing Orders to Diogo Lopes de Sequeira, sent to discover Malacca, given by King Manuel I of Portugal and issued in 1508, February 12:

“Inquire about the Chinese, and where they come from, and how far is the place from which they come, and  when do they come to Malacca or to the places they trade, and the goods they bring, and how many of them come in each year, and the characteristics of their vessels, and if  they return in the same year they come, and if they do have factories or houses in Malacca or in any other land, and  if are them rich merchants, and  if are they weak or warriors, and if do they have powerful weapons or artillery, and  the clothes  they wear, and  if are they men of great physical stature, and all other information about them, and whether they are Christians or Gentiles, or if their land is large, and  if they have more than a king among them, and if among them are living  some Arabs and other people  that do not live according to their  law or belief, and, if they are not Christians, what is their religion and their God, and which customs  have them, and  to which part their land extends to, and with whom they confine.”





Jorge Álvares: o primeiro português que veio à China – 1513

Relacionando-se amigavelmente com mercadores chineses em Malaca de quem recebiam conselhos e apoio, os portugueses planearam uma viagem de comércio à China. Navegaram num junco comprado em Bago [Pegú 勃固] Myanmar 緬甸, carregado de pimenta em Sumatra, mercadoria que rendia então lucros elevados na China. O preço de venda era cerca de dez vezes o preço de compra.

Jorge Álvares era o mercador. O junco ancorou na ilha de Neilingding 内伶仃Lat: 22.41
Long: 113.8), a Oeste de Tuen Mun 
屯門區,  em Maio de 1513. Álvares levantou um padrão com as armas de Portugal. Seu filho, falecido na viagem, foi aí sepultado . Em meados de 1514 a missão comercial estava de regresso a Malaca.


Jorge Álvares: the first Portuguese to come to China – 1513:

Meeting friendly Chinese traders in Malacca and receiving their advice and support, the Portuguese planned a travel by commercial prospecting to China. They sailed in a junk, bought in Bago [Pegú 勃固] Myanmar 緬甸, loaded with pepper from Sumatra, commodity that then yielded higher profits in China. The selling price was 10 times the price of purchase.

Jorge Álvares was the trade maker.  The junk anchored in Neilingding island 内伶仃岛 (Lat: 22.41
Long: 113.8), in May 1513, West of Tuen Mun
屯門區.  Álvares put up a monument [padrão] to commemorate his discovery on which the arms of Portugal were engraved. His son, who had died on the voyage, was buried in the same place at the foot of the mountain. By mid 1514 the trade mission was back in Malacca


1515 年第二批通商代表團

第二批通商代表團由十個葡萄牙人組成,並以果阿的富商Raphael Perestrelo為首,於1515年乘坐三艘中國帆船離開馬六甲。



Segunda missão comercial (1515)

Uma segunda missão comercial  partiu de Malaca em 1515, em três juncos chineses, com dez portugueses a bordo  chefiados por Raphael Perestrelo, rico mercador em Goa  果阿 .

A principal mercadoria era pimenta, novamente. No regresso a Malaca em 1516, as contas desta missão comercial registavam lucros avaliados em vinte vezes o valor das despesas. Sobre a China, a impressão dos portugueses era a melhor:  “terra de muita paz e os chineses um povo excelente”.


Second trade mission (1515)

A new trade mission left  Malacca in 1515 on board of three Chinese junks with ten Portuguese captained by Raphael Perestrelo, a rich merchant in Goa 果阿 .

The main commodity was again pepper. On return to that city in 1516, the accounts of the mission resulted in profits evaluated in twenty times the amount of expenses. On China, the view of the Portuguese was the best: "land of great peace and the Chinese a very good people.”


Quinhentos anos passados, estamos na Região Administrativa Especial de Macau da República Popular da China, abrindo caminhos de futuro nas relações entre a China e o os Países de Língua Portuguesa.  

After five hundred years, we are in the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, opening new paths in the relations between China and the Portuguese-speaking countries.


[1] Regimento dado a Diogo Lopes de Sequeira, para ir descobrir a parte oeste da ilha de São Lourenço, pois a outra era já toda descoberta, e quaesquer terras até Malaca, tomamdo de tudo enformação: Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo, Corpo Cronológico, parte I, maço 6, nº 82 – Reproduzido em Alguns Documentos do Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo, Lisboa, ANTT, 1892, pp. 194 e 195, e também nas Cartas de Afonso de Albuquerque, Lisboa, 1884, vol. III, pp. 403-419.

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